Top 50 Jazz Blog

Top 50 Jazz Blog

Friday, February 11, 2011

"Ginseng People"-Woody Shaw Quartet

The music is sublime.

Woody Shaw-trumpet,  Stanley Cowell-piano, David Williams-bass, Terri-Lyne Carrington-drums,


Sordid backstory:
I still get pissed thinking of the SOB sitting next to me, whose cigar smoke you see wafting through the visuals, who refused to move his damn stogie 2 inches so it wouldn't blow into my mouth...


Ronan Guilfoyle said...

Amazing footage! Woody at the height of his powers - completely burning in the way only he could. Thanks so much for posting it.

Would love to be able to reach into the video and slap the ignorant imbecile at the back who sits with his back to the band the whole time, talking. Pearls before swine.........

Steve Provizer said...

Woody's health problems were already underway,but his fantastic playing belies it. Cowell picks it up a notch on this tune.

Many a swine...

Anonymous said...

wow, such beautiful music. It's such a tragedy the way he passed away at only 44 - he truly had a unique melodic and harmonic conception of the trumpet.

speakmusic said...

wow, thanks for posting this!