Top 50 Jazz Blog

Top 50 Jazz Blog

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

New/Last Woody Shaw

This is the last unposted song from the video tape I made of Woody's gig at the Charles Hotel courtyard in Cambridge on 8.21.85.

Personnel is:
Woody Shaw-trumpet.
Stanley Cowell-piano
David WIlliams-bass
Terri-Lyne Carrington-drums


Anonymous said...

Love that. Thanks for sharing, Steve. -- When I heard Woody for the very first and unfortunately for the last time, he came on stage, almost blind, and I thought to myself: 'Well, we only need our ears, don't we?' He played so beautiful, so integer, and economic; just like in your video.

Funny piano solo by Mr. Cowell. Did you notice the two quotes? -- Yeah! "Holiday For Strings" & "Humoresque".

This is all serious playing though, no hard boppish circus show. It should be watched by many of the younger cats, especially by the ones who tend to play too many notes.

I will recommend it to my students, if you don't mind. The views will increase, Steve, you bet!

Steve Provizer said...

Thanks, Brew. Of course, I welcome your students!

Anonymous said...

You're welcome, Steve.

The link will be in the next e-mail to them. By the way: This version of the old warhorse sounds much better than on "Setting Standards".